Black Widow training

before you start

So you want to look like Scarlett Johansson? Well I’m sorry to say you’re in the WRONG place. Want to start bringing out the best version of yourself? Now we can work with that!

I sourced my original workout plan below; Also broke down each week and what I experienced.

Going into training I wrote down 3 goals I wanted to accomplish:

  • Get tone

  • Build up strength/endurance

  • Gain self confidence

Now the last one is going to take more than just lifting weights to achieve. From an outsiders perspective, I would’ve seem to be in pretty good “shape.” In realty, I was not, I couldn’t walk up the stairs without getting out of breath or my knees hurting. I knew something.

Just thinking about going back to the gym seemed intimidating and, I’ll even say, boring.

Please keep in mine, this isn’t exactly what the actor(s) did for their training for their MCU roles. Also this program is not affiliated with Marvel or Disney

The Black Widow program this is great for beginners!

You can do most of the workouts from home. I personally went to the gym, to force myself out of the house.

Scarlett Johansson had 3-4 weeks to prepare for her role and trained 7 days a week.

7 days was NOT going to work for me. Combining two programs that worked well together and made it better organized.

I followed a workout program from (sourced). A workout plan focusing on body recomposition.

Week 1

After the first few days I realized I was NOT in condition. I was not strong enough to do some of the exercises and became winded very easily. I couldn’t even do a push up!

Day 3 I became very sore in my legs, even caused discomfort during sleep at night. I thought I was in over my head! I couldn’t back out now, I had already posted on social media!

Recovery treatments was a much needed helped and day 6 my soreness was gone!

Good recovery tips: Try alternating between ice and hot baths. Another great recovery, if available at your gym, are saunas. Heat allows the blood vessels to relax and blood flow to increase to help reduce tension and relieve the soreness in your muscles. I spent my recovery time in a hot tub, 15–20 minute sessions.

Week 2 - Week 3

I started to increase my weights, alternating between a weight size I was comfortable with and adding 5lbs, until my new added weight became comfortable.

I had less soreness and completing the exercises became easier.

Week 3, was my hardest week mentally. I did take an extra day off to clear my mind and decided sitting at home was not going to be good for me. My next gym day I randomly decided to do a push-up in between reps.


Before I couldn’t even do one. Something so simple, gave me the right motivation to keep going!

My goal was to increase my strength; Before I was only lifting 5 lbs by the end I was up to 15lbs on dumbbells.

I combined a second workout program I found HERE - I liked some of the original plain, but adding the second made the work outs longer and gave me a bigger challenge to push myself.

Week 4 and final results

For my final week of training, I spent more time at the gym. I continued to follow the same workouts, also adding more ab workouts and also lifting heavier weights.

Starting on April 15th my weight was 127lbs; by May 15th I was 125lbs. Only down a few pounds in 4 weeks. Even though weight loss wasn’t the goal; Remember muscle weighs more than fat, I did go down a pants size, I do not keep track of my bodyfat percentage.

Not only did I train like Scar Jo, I also diet as well. I changed my poor eating habits to eating cleaner. Scarlett Johansson has a pretty strict diet plan; I didn’t follow it exactly due to different goals and body types.

To read what I did go check out the Red Room Diet.

I feel like I’ve earned my place as a Black Widow assassin.

Watch my training

For week 5 goals:

This week I will be on vacation, even though technically my training is complete, my mission has only begun. ;)

I will continue to follow this program, but I will be adding a few leg machines exercises and practicing bar weightlifting, with a trainer. All in preparation for our next Avenger.

Are you Worthy enough for this challenge?
