“You know, if you’re about to tell me to look on the bright side – I’m about to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich.”

No need to get hangry with your diet plan.

The word “diet”, they always feels like a punishment. Instead, some of my clean eating habits, focusing on carb cycling.

YES carbs are ALLOWED!

Some days I would eat a lot of carb and low fat, other days I’ll have low carbs and higher fats. Protein intake stays the same and when exercise is more intense, you go with high carbs/low fats. Vice versa when the work outs aren’t as intense.

Please note I am NOT a nutritionist, if your goal is to lose weight, please contact a license professional or speak with your doctor.

This is a meal plan I have done for almost 10 years by my former coaches/trainers.

I learned that, Scarlett Jo would break up her eating habits into two periods: First window she would eat what she wanted, according to her meal plan. The remaining 12 hours she would fast.

So basically, I stop eating around 9 or 10 pm then wouldn’t breakfast until 9 - 10 am.

Make sure you are getting plenty of rest! Even Super-Spies need their rest!


meal Plan

Lean meats and fish, whole grains and oats, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and low fat dairy.

For a more detailed meal plan, I recommend trying the 30-Day Fitness at Home app; they have a free option, it has helped me in the past of coming up with meal plans and even had 30 days of work out challenges, you can do at home!


Black Widow training